Difference between var, let and const in JavaScript
In this article, we will learn about the main differences between var, let and const in JavaScript.
A var statement has two scopes, global scope and function scope. var declarations are generally hoisted.
Global scope of var:
If we define a var outside any function, it is said to have a global scope and it can be accessed globally.
var x = 10;
function hey(){
console.log("Hey, welcome to my blog")
console.log(x); //10
console.log(x); //10
hey(); //Hey, welcome to my blog
Function scope of var:
If we define a var inside a function, it is only accessible inside that function and not globally.
function greet(){
var greeting = "Hey, welcome to my blog";
greet(); //Hey, welcome to my blog
console.log(greeting); //ReferenceError: greeting is not defined
Here, the variable greeting is inside a function called “greet” and it is only accessible inside that function. When we try to console.log the same var (greeting), it gives us a ReferenceError, telling greeting is not defined. Hence, var declarations inside a function are restricted to that function itself.
- var can be redeclared and updated.
- var variables are hoisted with a default value “undefined” before their initialization.
- Declaring multiple var variables with the same name can cause errors since it has a global scope.
let keyword also helps us to declare variables. It’s preferred over var. Also it offers block scope.
Block scope of let:
A block is a bunch of code enclosed in {}. Anything inside the curly braces is a block. So when you declare a variable with the keyword let, it is only accessible inside that block.
function letScope() {
let y = 1;
if (true) {
let y = 2;
console.log(y); // Output: 2
console.log(y); // Output: 1
- The value of let can be updated but you cannot re-declare in the same block.
- let declarations are also hoisted. But if you try to access it before declaration, you will see a “ReferenceError”.
let greeting = "Welcome";
console.log(greeting); //Welcome
greeting = "How are you?";
console.log(greeting); //How are you?
let greeting = "Welcome";
let greeting = "How are you?";
Here, you will get a syntax error “SyntaxError: Identifier ‘greeting’ has already been declared”.
Variables that are declared with the keyword const always maintain fixed values. Their value cannot be changed.
Block scope of const:
Just like let, const declarations are accessible only inside the block they are declared in.
function blockScope() {
const y = 1;
if (true) {
const y = 2;
console.log(y); // Output: 2
console.log(y); // Output: 1
- const declarations cannot be updated or redeclared. The value remains constant in that scope.
- const declarations must be initialized while declaring.
- const declarations are also hoisted but are not initialized. They stay in Temporal Dead Zone.
const greeting = "Welcome";
greeting = "How are you?";
console.log(greeting); //TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.
const greeting = "Welcome";
const greeting = "How are you?";
console.log(greeting); //SyntaxError: Identifier 'greeting' has already been declared
I hope this article helped you understand the diffrence between var, let and const. Thank You.